External Links
 Photo credit M. Fletcher
Below are a few snippets of me being interviewed and of the interviews that I have conducted as well as some of the literary links with which I am affiliated. ********************** 11-28-11 Review: "Souldancing" with Jean Lowrie-Chin in New York By Jennifer Lumley
Published Nov 28, 2011
She warmed the room with her smile like the Caribbean sun and the audience anxiously waited while they basked in the beauty of her gentle presence, a scarf, with the colors of the Jamaican flag, gently cascading down the front of her dress. A little...(read more) http://www.jamaicans.com/articles/theartsreview/souldancinglowriechin.shtml
******************** http://www.iuniverse.com/faqs/ebooks/ConversionProject.aspx?utm_campaign=
************************* CLS - Caribbean Literary Salon http://caribbeanliterarysalon.ning.com/
******************** 9-8-2011 This is an exclusive interview that can be found in the community newspaper online at www.mvinquirer.com. The title reads: Nothing 'Lyttle' about Jazzmin by Jennifer P. Lumley.

Jazzmin Lyttle-Hylton is a 17 year old high school senior from New Rochelle High School. She has taken on some mammoth tasks and is a mover and shaker in the endeavors she undertakes. Don't let her "Lyttle" name fool you. She is busy building bridges from here, with her Jamaican parental heritage in the United States to Africa. She is currently Miss Teen Earth Westchester. She is extremely passionate about volunteering and is founder of the New Rochelle Beautification Project. As a member of the National Society of High School Scholars, she was tracked throughout high school as a John Hopkins Scholar for the Center for Talented Youth and was a People to People Student Ambassador.
******************** Aug. 24. 2011 Ms. Sherwood, then a former member of the National Dance Theatre Company since 1962, appeard on a Jamaican stamp and now quietly resides in Mt. Vernon, NY.
Chich Sherwood offered me an exclusive interview. The full story is printed in the CaribNews newspaper Aug 24-30th 2011 issue. www.nycaribnews.com ******************* July 10, 2011 All Islands Association hosts Family Day BBQ. Full story on page 9 of Aug 28-Sept 7, 2011 issue of Liberty Star & www.nylibertystar.com
Author Jennifer P. Lumley reads to an audience at the All Islands picnic at Glen Island Park, New Rochelle, NY.
 *********************** http://www.Carinet.org (click on Interviews) Read the complete interview I conducted with our own Jamaican born Rev. Rose Hudson-Wilkin, Chaplain to Her Majesty, the Queen, and listen to the live broadcast of her message to the congregation on Jamaica's celebration of it's 48th year as an independent nation.
Photo Credit J. Lumley *************************** Mount Vernon Today Newspaper http://www.mountvernontoday.com/
Article written about 11 year old Shannon Tavarez from The Lion King and her struggle with cancer. ******************************
Sept. 2008 - Interviewing Prime Minister of Jamaica, Hon. Orett Bruce Golding.
****************************************** Take a little time to view this interview done by LestahCool for CaribBlast:
(Part 1) http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=101630163&searchid=41c8c435-9b8c-4839-9694-b143b5550138
(Part 2) http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=101631983&searchid=41c8c435-9b8c-4839-9694-b143b5550138
First Presbyterian Church of Mt Vernon
Intercessory Prayer Ministry International
****************************************** Read the interview I conducted with our own Jamaican born Rev. Rose Hudson-Wilkin, Chaplain to Her Majesty, the Queen, and listen to the live broadcast of her message to the congregation on Jamaica's celebration of it's 48th year as an independent nation.
Jamaicans.com Links Directory
Sunday afternoons Noon till 3PM
Society for the Advancement of the Caribbean Diaspora
 MEET TWO OF SACD's MEMBERS From left to right: Marie Jeremie & Jennifer Lumley. Marie and Jennifer are very active in all aspects of SACD and other community organizations. They are also two very resourceful members. Among Marie's many passions is a deep love for photography. We are happy she is a member!
Jennifer Lumley, a highly celebrated Author and recognized Poet! Published Author of Mind Shaper and Still Life. Her books are available in paper back and audio format. Jennifer is available for functions and seminars. As members, both Jennifer and Marie are listed in SACD's Talent Bank. To contact either of them please send an email to sacd@sac-diaspora.org or call 917-771-7935
Lumley as guest poet at the Mt. Vernon Public Library
 Photo credit Joe Parasi
(Read more) http://www.mvinquirer.com/poetry_networking_workshop.htm
************************************ Braata Folk Singers Link
Tel: Andrew Clarke 917-668-2209
Books available at: www.Amazon.com www.BarnesandNoble.com www.iUniverse.com www.jenuinpoetry.com JenniferLumley.com email:Jenley1212@gmail.com Ph: (914) 663- 5161
P.O.Box 376, Fleetwood Station, Mt. Vernon, NY 10552, USA
 Photo credit J. Lumley
*Member of Poetry.com & International Society of Poets *Member of the Caribbean Literary Salon
ISBN: 978-1-4401-3090-8 (sc) ISBN: 978-1-4401-3091-5 (ebook)